Self-assessment of public/community toilets based on TBC’s Star Rated Guidelines

Self-assessment of toilet facilities is a quarterly process undertaken by TBC cohort companies working in the space of providing access to sanitation via public and/or community toilets. This is aimed towards improving the quality of self-assessment parameters, based on the experience of the toilet operators.
The survey was shared with our cohort companies in the first week of January 2022 and we received data from 384 sites serving 14,250 customers daily across India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Zambia.
The self-assessment parameters are across 7 categories covering toilet entrance, general cleanliness, wash area, WC, urinals, safety & security including additional measures during pandemic and smart/digital elements if available in the sanitation facility.
Data on toilet entrance shows that all the sites have clear and easily visible signages where possible and 99% of them have separate entrance for men and women. These sites are also easily accessible to differently abled users as shown in the chart below.

ramp for wheelchairs
All the sites have reported to have good overall general cleanliness. These sites have walls and ceiling that are clean, dry and dustless; the floor is clean, dry, intact and litter free; absence of malodor in the toilet; ventilation / openings for air are in place and functioning; basic amenities like soap, sanitizers, tissues & bins are in place. More than 90% of these sites could do better by putting in place resource / water saving devices to reduce their carbon footprint.
By providing maze entrance and partition of urinals and cubicles these sites ensure privacy for toilet users. The data shows that these sites present an opportunity to install suggestion box and educational materials at their premises.


suggestions box/educational material
In the wash area category, all the sites have taps, hand dryers, litter bins that are clean and in working condition with no leakages or damages to the fittings, fixtures and plumbing. The wash area is overall clean, fairly dry, tidy and litter free. However, there is scope to improve the provision of soap dispensers and tissues and ensure they are in working condition are replenished from time to time.

soap dispensers & tissues are in place, working & replenished
When it comes to WC area, all sites have reported to have cubicle doors that are clean, functioning and latched; have seat cover wherever western toilet was installed; have bag/coat hooks in place and intact; toilet bowl/squat seat intact and unclogged; cubicle floor is uncluttered, clean and fairly dry; toilet flush is clean and functioning; toilet paper, where provided, is intact and replenished; waste bins with liners are in place and clean. However, provision of sanitary bins with liners seems to be lacking in nearly 70% of the sites.

sanitary bin with liners is in place

waste bin with liners is in place
When it comes to safety and security, all the sites have fully functional internal and external lighting; walls and ceiling intact; no loose electrical wires; and all cleaning equipment is sanitized regularly. However, non-invasive, privacy respecting surveillance is absent at majority of sites.

non-invasive, privacy respecting surveillance is in place
With respect to pandemic appropriate behavior, it is observed that at 98% of the sites people are following social distancing norms and 94% users are wearing masks while stepping into the sanitation facilities. Almost all the staff is wearing mask and gloves and keeping social distance while interacting with the toilet users.

toilet users are using hand sanitizers

common surfaces are sanitized every two hours
It is interesting to observe that 99% of the sites have footfall counting devices and almost all of them have a functioning user feedback device.