Sanitation Economy 101

Now that you have a strong understanding of what the Sanitation Economy is, this module explores the potential of the Sanitation Economy, focusing on its tangible impact on livelihoods and economic growth in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The content draws from the Livelihoods in the Sanitation Economy report and Sanitation Economy estimates from the Toilet Board Coalition.

Bursting with Potential: Module 2

key takeaway

Read through the Sanitation Economy Livelihoods Report. Download here.

Key Takeaways

In 2017, the Toilet Board Coalition pioneered the Sanitation Economy – a market-based approach to sanitation which looks at the entire value chain; the products, services and ultimate value to customers. Recently, the Coalition estimated the 2030 Sanitation Economy potential in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Sanitation Economy Potential by 2030 

  • Sub-Saharan Africa: USD $76.8 billion
  • Asia: USD $493.9 billion
  • Latin America: USD $19.2 billion

To fully harness its potential, a skilled workforce is essential. This report reveals the livelihood opportunities specific to each region, generated through the creation of jobs and economic activities related to sanitation products and services.

Livelihood Opportunity by 2030 

  • Sub-Saharan Africa: 9.7 million jobs
  • Asia: 62.5 million jobs
  • Latin America: 2.4 million jobs

This report aims to shape and fuel positive conversations and encourage government and private sector to prioritise sanitation investment. The Coalition identified four calls to action to ensure livelihood potential can keep pace with the market opportunities:

  1. Empowering Sanitation through Government and Entrepreneurial Synergy
  2. Financing Frameworks
  3. Standards Development and Adoption
  4. Robust skill gap analysis and skilling opportunities


Interested in accelerating business solutions to the sanitation crisis? Reach out for engagement opportunities.

Once Module 2 is complete, continue to Module 3 by clicking on the button on the top right.

further reading
Further Reading

The Toilet Board Coalition and its work is made possible by the generous support of its Membership. ​
The contents are the responsibility of the Toilet Board Coalition and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Members and partners.​

   With thanks to our leaders:

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