Introducing The Toilet Board Coalition 2021 Accelerator Cohort

The Toilet Board Coalition has selected the next Cohort of entrepreneurs for its 2021 Accelerator. This sixth round of the programme attracted 152 applicants, of which 38 were included in the shortlist, and 8 were ultimately selected by our board members. We are proud to introduce you to the 8 companies of the 2021 Accelerator Programme!



AKYAS is an innovator for turnkey sanitation solutions. We are a group of interdisciplinary young professionals who share the same vision: Sanitation facilities should be and could be made accessible at low costs for everyone in all settings regardless of infrastructures or housing circumstances.
Akyas offers bags as portable waste treatment system – meaning, we put an entire expensive wastewater treatment plant into a single bag that is
affordable, adaptable and portable.

Pikkuvihrea is a Finnish family company established in 1993 specializing in dry toilet and waste water purifiers. We aim to offer ecological sanitation solutions to everyone everywhere: no matter what the use case is.

GD Fittings has been innovating plumbing products in South Africa since 1986. We are pioneers in water-saving technology and our products are manufactured using plastic injection molding, making them durable, safe and cost-effective.

There are not enough public toilet facilities to meet the needs of the urban population in Nepal. Also, existing toilets are in bad condition, not properly cleaned or maintained, and often un-usable, especially for women. Moreover, toilet waste is not treated before being discharged into nearby water bodies. To address these issues, Aerosan established a business that provides public sanitation facilities to the local community in a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable manner. With the generous support of Grand Challenges Canada, Aerosan developed the Aerosan HUB model, a public toilet system that is designed to meet women’s needs, protect the environment, and service the community in a sustainable manner by operating as an economically viable service business.

Fluid Robotic uses technology to effectively monitor sanitation infrastructure. Monitored wastewater generated by over 10 million people, resulted in a reduction of 20MLD of water leakages, increasing treatment of over 700 MLD of previously untreated sewage entering urban lakes and rivers. Futhermore data like this has helped map the sanitation infrastructure, analyse sewage samples, and significantly reduce water pollution.

Clean, Aspirational Washrooms for Women 

Woloo is a Loo-Discovery platform application for women to locate the nearest clean & hygienic washrooms hosted by restaurants, cafes and retail stores. Women can use the toilets while also availing the services & benefits offered by the host partner.  The platform enables retailers to host existing washrooms at their stores for additional customer walk-ins and business. It is a tech-enabled subscription-based hygiene service with an objective to address the social issue of hygiene access for women in public places.

Scalable technology for decentralized mixed waste segregation & circular dry waste applications in sanitation upgradation.

Organica Biotech developed a septic tank treatment & maintenance product which charges it with biologicals to prevent accumulation of sludge and overflow, control odour, and mitigate needs for frequent suctioning or degradation of faecal matter.

The TBC Accelerator seeks to amplify and accelerate business models for low-income markets that operate within the Sanitation Economy – especially in the areas of toilet product & service innovation, circular economy sanitation waste management, digital applications for sanitation.

Click here to apply to the 2022 Accelerator!