Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa on the way to solving a critical gap in the sanitation value chain

Aqua for All and other Members of The Toilet Board Coalition support businesses in
Sub-Saharan Africa on the way to solving a critical gap in the sanitation value chain

An increased focus on toilet installations in Sub-Saharan Africa unleashes a new challenge, as the essential step to collect and transport faecal sludge is overlooked due to unavailable investments and equipment. Aqua for All and other Members of The Toilet Board Coalition are tackling this challenge via the 2022 Waste Logistics Innovation Lab by putting the private sector in the forefront. Six revolutionary start-ups working in the collection and transportation of faecal sludge in Sub-Saharan Africa were selected for the programme and will receive tailored mentorship towards business growth over the next six-months. The learnings from the programme will lead to an unprecedented report charting market opportunities, financial and climate impacts of business models and technologies in the sector.

“Stretching from Madagascar, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Burkina Faso to Ghana, the six innovative business models selected for the programme range from digital solutions such as a mobile app linking households with collection and transport services to inclusive price mechanisms that benefit low-income households. We are excited to launch the 2022 Waste Logistics Innovation Lab and work with these dynamic businesses that share the vision to improve and expand access to safe emptying and transportation of faecal sludge while bringing positive environmental and economic impacts.”

– Eric Nartey, Circular Sanitation Manager, Toilet Board Coalition

Faecal sludge is waste accumulated in toilets that are not connected to a sewer, which thus needs to be collected and transported. If this process is ignored, it can cause negative ripple effects from spreading fatal diseases to influencing climate change. With climate change, increasing extreme weather events such as floods, timely emptying of toilets can be an important adaptation measure. At the same time, it serves as a mitigation measure: Faecal sludge left in non-sewer technologies has a significantly larger methane emission factor compared to off-site composting. Unlocking the current gap in the sanitation supply chain will therefore reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, while simultaneously creating economic growth. Job creation is evident in this growing and resilient market. More jobs will be created as more people collect and transport faecal sludge. Subsequently, moving along the sanitation value chain, more waste can be treated by businesses in the industry, generating further job opportunities.

The Toilet Board Coalition and Aqua for All share the vision regarding the sanitation economy; a market-based approach, building on innovative business models and strategic collaboration to provide sustainable sanitation, mitigating and adapting to climate change while generating economic returns. Investing in the collection and transportation of faecal sludge means investing in the sanitation economy.

“We jointly work on building this sector, as it requires a lot of support to grow towards investment readiness. There are a number of high potential initiatives that are in need of growth capital, and we invite partners to look at the right instruments for these entrepreneurs!”

– Josien Sluijs, Managing Director, Aqua for All 

This is an opportunity to work with entrepreneurs that are paving the way to unlock a resilient market opportunity within a supply chain that touches all of humanity every single day. Are you interested in collaborating with the Waste Logistics Innovation Lab? Contact The Toilet Board Coalition at

meet the selected businesses


Founded in 2005 in Kenya, and led by Mary Muriuki, Brooms Ltd provides portable toilets and septic tank emptying. They specialize in hire and rental of Portable Toilets and Septic Tank Cleaning, bridging a gap in public sanitation in areas such as construction sites. These solutions aim to provide dignity for construction workers, short-term solutions for large crowds, preventing open defecation and assisting in pollution control through safe transportation.


Founded in 2020 in Fianarantsoa, ECO-DIO provides affordable, fast and safe pit emptying services for pit latrines, septic tanks, public sanitary blocks and EcoSan toilets using a diesel-powered vacuum pump for septic tanks and real manual emptying for pit latrines. Led by Samantha Cameron, ECO-DIO looks forward to mentorship in the Lab to develop their business plan, tariffication, find solutions to inaccessible latrines, and ensure profitability.

Global assainissement international, BURKINA FASO

Founded in 2015 and led by Alidou Bande, GAI (Global Assainissement International) operates in the emptying and cleaning of latrines that cannot be drained mechanically. The transport of faecal sludge remains one of the major challenges for the company. Alidou Bande and his 30 colleagues created the Burkinabe Association for Sanitation and Environmental Protection (ABASE), which he chairs. This association is a chance for manual emptiers to be recognized. GAI is looking forward to mentorship, capacity building and financial advice through the Lab.


Founded in 2019, iCESSPOOL is a mobile app/platform that links urban customers to safe and reliable toilet (sludge) emptying services and safe disposal. iCESSPOOL makes it possible for the public to receive sanitation services remotely without having to move from the comfort of their homes. Residents are able to find set-price emptiers immediately via their phone, and desludging enterprises will benefit from expanding their customer base and increase their revenue without having to invest heavily in advertising. Led by Dominic Aboagye, iCESSPOOL is looking forward to mentorship in the Lab in the areas of product advertisement and funding for scaling.


Founded in 2018, KAKA Cesspool Services specializes in faecal sludge transportation, ranging from onsite sanitation systems to faecal sludge treatment plants. Headquartered in Kawaala, Uganda, KAKA Cesspool operates in 19 different low-income areas of Uganda. KAKA Cesspool is looking to upgrade their equipment in order to expand their market, for instance with a heavy-duty cesspit emptier truck with a tank of capacity 8000-12000 L. Led by Nsubuga Med, KAKA Cesspool is looking forward to receiving mentorship and business development support from the Lab.


Founded in 2016 and led by Grivin Nyaka, Royal Sanitation Solutions aspires to promote sanitation in low-income areas of Malawi through low-cost sanitation technologies. Royal Sanitation Solutions centers on simple technologies, which have proven to be effective in the delivery of sanitation services in low-income areas. This includes but is not limited to the provision of affordable emptying and safe disposal of feacal sludge. Having worked with Gulper emptying technologies, they realized certain limitations such as risk of contamination. Therefore, they are looking to develop their business and are specifically focused to look for automatic Pit Emptying Technologies such as cesspool emptiers.


Aqua for All is a not-for-profit organisation operating in Africa and Asia. For over two decades, we work towards catalysing an innovative, sustainable and inclusive water and sanitation economy worldwide.

We support innovations and scale up enterprises until they are investment ready. In addition, we use our funds to mobilise private and public capital to increase investments in water and sanitation.

For more information, please visit: 



Established in 2015 as a business-led partnership and platform, the Toilet Board Coalition has the ambition to address the global sanitation crisis by accelerating the sanitation economy.

The Toilet Board Coalition is enabling private sector engagement; connecting large and small companies; and ensuring close collaboration between private, public and non-profit sectors with the common goal to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG6), universal access to sanitation.

The The Toilet Board Coalition runs the Toilet Accelerator, the world’s 1st accelerator programme dedicated to sanitation entrepreneurs in low-income markets.

For more information, please visit:

The Toilet Board Coalition and its work is made possible by the generous support of the Toilet Board Coalition Membership. The contents are the responsibility of the Toilet Board Coalition and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Members.