2022 Accelerator applications are now open



Join the world’s leading mentorship programme for sanitation entrepreneurs

The Toilet Board Coalition’s Accelerator offers bespoke mentorship, partnership and investment opportunities to scale sanitation economy businesses. More than toilets alone, we look to advance commercially viable businesses across the sanitation economies – including innovative sanitary-ware infrastructure, products & service providers, toilet resource collection, treatment and transformation, and digital applications for sanitation and preventative healthcare. 

With guidance from its corporate members, the Accelerator has mentored 52 startups, of which 97% have secured investments or partnerships with multinationals to further advance their business. As of today, the Toilet Board Coalition has mobilized over €32m towards scaling market based approaches to SDG 6.2.

SDG 6.2: “By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.” — 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Join the 8th cohort running in 2023 and receive bespoke mentorship to grow and scale your business over the course of 12 months to develop a pathway connecting with key players, including experts, governments and investors. The programme offers:

  • 12 months in-kind business support
  • Partnership brokering & brand building
  • Access to global & local mentors 
  • Access to capital
  • Opportunities for membership to the TBC
  • A business intelligence toolkit


Send in your application before 30 April 2022 to be part of the Accelerator starting in January 2023! Annual selections are made based on mutual fit with our corporate members, so if you’ve applied in the past you’re welcome to apply again!