toilet board coalition

We Accelerate business solutions to the sanitation crisis

Nearly half of humanity is denied the dignity and safety of proper sanitation. We need to accelerate our rate of progress by 5 times to reach safely-managed sanitation for all by 2030 – SDG 6.2. Unless sanitation coverage is addressed, health, energy and food security goals are all unattainable.

We know that customer-centric solutions help communities adopt safely managed sanitation faster. This is a crisis, but it’s a crisis with a solution…many solutions that emerge when entrepreneurial energy collides with multinational corporate expertise. At the Toilet Board Coalition, we make this happen, fast.

Our Vision

By 2030, the Sanitation Economy will be thriving, circular and smart, inspiring the brightest entrepreneurs, supporting livelihoods and bringing dignity to life.

We expect by 2030 that the Toilet Board Coalition won’t need to exist, because we’re only in business as long as the crisis lasts.

How we were founded

At the Toilet Board Coalition, our leading Members, Unilever, Kimberly-Clark and LIXIL united around the belief that the fastest way to solve this humanitarian crisis is to turn it into an economic opportunity. Therefore, in 2015, they came together to found a unique business-led coalition with a single purpose: to accelerate business solutions to the sanitation crisis.


The Toilet Board Coalition built the world’s leading Accelerator dedicated to scaling sanitation SMEs via business model coaching, corporate mentorship and access to investment. The Accelerator not only strengthens and scales sanitation businesses, but it also facilitates partnerships within its Members – between SMEs, corporates, NGOs, investors and governments that share a commitment to enable universal access to sanitation.

Business Model Coaching



Where we're headed

What makes us different

WE ARE BUSINESS-LED The Coalition advocates for private sector engagement and market-based approaches at every level. We believe the Sanitation Economy can contribute to the bottom line while improving lives and protecting our planet.

WE ARE IMPACT DRIVEN This isn’t a talkshop, think-tank or pledge campaign. Our work originates from and comes back to outcomes on the ground – customers served, pollution avoided and revenue generated.

WE ARE OPEN We work with all sizes, geographies and sectors of business.

WE ADVANCE TOGETHER Our Accelerator closely works with Members and partners to ensure learnings and opportunities are rapidly shared across the Coalition

Join and put us out of business

The Coalition attracts rising leaders in business that are passionate about impact. Whether it’s accelerating sustainability, deepening purpose or strengthening strategy, the Coalition’s work is designed to give your teams the edge on innovation.

We have 6 years left to solve this crisis!