Since 2018, Clément Frenoux is task team leader at the water and sanitation division of the French Development Agency (AFD). He has over 16 years’ experience in WASH sector in numerous developing countries for example African (Burkina Faso, Senegal, DRC, Mauritania, CAR), Asian (Cambodia, Lao-PDR), Latin American (Peru, Haiti). He has 13 years extensive experiences in WASH projects preparation and implementation as well as short terms and long terms consultancies supervision. His skills are particularly focus on the domestic private participation in WASH sector, sectorial analysis and design of innovative access to finance project.
Clément is an environmental engineer and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Toulouse. His PhD thesis have been highly commend by the mention very honorable with unanimous jury congratulations: “Institutions and transactions: Determinants and performance of alternative water supply services in developing cities: The case of local private entrepreneurs in small urban centers of Cambodia”.